Technical Articles

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Cardrona Cabin Vulcan Screening Abodo Wood

Reducing Carbon Footprint – A Case Study: Cardrona Cabin

Abodo’s Cardona Cabin makes extensive use of Vulcan timber in the interior and exterior, storing considerable amounts of CO2e.

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Biomimicry Living in the Future Abodo Wood

Biomimicry – Living in the Future

Biomimicry is often touted as the way of the future, said to offer an empathetic, connected understanding of how life works, and we as humans fit in.

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Floreat House Vulcan Panelling Cladding Abodo Wood 3

Achieving Consistent Colour Tones in Exterior Cladding

Many exterior durable timbers have significant variability in colour, so how can you achieve a consistent appearance?

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Surface checking

Natural Weathering of Timber - Surface Checking

What causes timber weathering and surface checking? And what can you do to protect your timber?

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Sustainable Timber Forest New Zealand - Vulcan Timber - Abodo Wood

Five Rules for Choosing Truly Sustainable Timber

There are a number of factors to be considered when doing a thorough analysis of “sustainability” of timber choices.

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Renewable Energy in the Production of Wood Products Abodo Wood

Renewable Energy in the Production of Wood Products

The benefits of biogenic materials such as wood can quickly be offset by the use of fossil fuel based energy.

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Biomass Growth and Carbon Sequestration A Comparison of Tree Species Abodo Wood 1

Biomass Growth and Carbon Sequestration - A Comparison of Tree Species

All tree species absorb carbon when they are growing - this independent report shows which do it faster.

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Abodo grain 04

Timber Weatherboards and Dark Coloured Paint

Manufacturers of timber weatherboards will almost always state in their literature “use paints in a range of 45% light reflective value (LRV) or greater”.

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Abodo grain 02

How to Install Treated Wet Pine Decking

Pine decking is the most common decking type in New Zealand - and for good reason.

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Lake Tarawera Holiday Home Vulcan Decking Abodo Wood 1

7 Reasons to Choose Abodo's Vulcan Decking

Choosing the right decking material for your build can be difficult. Here are seven great reasons to consider Abodo timber decking.

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Black Box Luxury Home Vulcan Cladding Abodo Wood

10 Reasons to Choose Abodo's Vulcan Cladding

Choosing the right cladding material for your build can be difficult. Here are ten great reasons to consider Abodo timber cladding.

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Freedom of Expression CNC Detailing Abodo Wood 1

Freedom of Expression - CNC Detailing

Advances in wood processing technology, including computer numerical control (CNC) allows for the automated control of machining tools.

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