HOLIDAY DELAYS / All online orders between 18 Dec – 6 Jan will be shipped from 7 Jan 2025

Locally Grown Alternative to Lawsons Cypress and Lusitanica

Lawsons Cypress, Macrocarpa and Lusitanica are is a naturally durable timbers, suitable for use in low to moderate hazard applications.

Supply of cypress species is limited in New Zealand, although a few boutique style sawmills offer supply.

The cypress species, macrocarpa (Cupressus macrocarpa), Mexican cypress (C. lusitanica) and Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) have all been classified as moderately durable (durability class 3).

Abodo’s field test results from weatherboard panels, dating from 1988 prove that heart douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) to also be moderately durable, at the lower end of durability class 3.

After 22 years of field testing, uncoated heart douglas fir weatherboards had no sign of decay. This is particularly good result, and indicates that maintained heart douglas fir weatherboards will exceed a 25 year service life.

Douglas fir is New Zealand’s second most planted plantation timber, and has larger supply building, particularly in southern New Zealand.

Abodo markets a selected Douglas fir heartwood under the name of Tundra. Tundra is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) certified and New Zealand grown, and with a knotty rustic appearance is a perfect alternative to Lawsons Cypress, Macrocarpa and Lusitanica.

Please note: Tundra Cladding is no longer available. However, you can achieve a similar look in our Vulcan Cladding – Standard Series.