Sioo:x - Low Maintenance Timber Finish

Sioo:x natural wood coating is a patented Silicon technology, which silvers off beautifully over time.

Sioo:x is a patented Silicon technology, applied in two parts. Sioo:x Timber Protector (Part 1) is applied first - it penetrates deep into the fibres of the cell walls where it forms a network of silica crystals, creating a barrier which is bonded to the surface.

A further application of Sioo:x Surface Protector (Part 2) is then applied which binds with the Wood Protector and prevents water penetration.

Following application, Sioo:x cures by reacting with atmospheric carbon dioxide and moisture to form an insoluble and flexible silica network within the timber surface. The formation of this silica network toughens the surface of the timber and forms an effective barrier against insect attack and rot.

In addition to the protective benefits gained, as the mineral silicate cures over time it will start to turn the timber a beautifully even silver / greyish tone starting from 10-16 weeks (depending on the timber species the weathering period may vary).

From our experience, boards will initially go darker and then lighten over time. The end result is a timber with a consistently weathered, light grey driftwood appearance.


How a façade weathers is dependent on the location, design and the species of timber used. Facades which have not weathered as evenly as expected may be deemed unsightly due to inconsistent colouration. A common example of this is when boards protected by the building’s eaves maintain their natural colour whilst the exposed areas of the building weather down to a grey colour.

Sioo:x is a solution to this problem. In the months following application all boards will turn the same tone regardless of their colour and exposure to the elements prior to application, resulting in a desirable, consistently weathered look.


After a final coat of Surface Protector 1 year (decking) or 4 years (cladding), the timber can be left for up to 10-15 years before re-application may be considered.

In many instances, the timber will have taken on a naturally weathered appearance by this time and therefore re-application is not necessarily required. As with all exterior products regular cleaning is required to ensure long term appearance and performance.


Sioo:x ingredients are natural and non-toxic, making the coated timber easily recyclable at end of life. It complies with EU test proceedings EN 46 and EN113.

Note, results vary depending on weather conditions. The Sioo:x natural silver patina develops over time and requires exposure to weather.

This video shows Vulcan Cladding in Sioo:x Coating weathering over an eight month period.

Note, results vary depending on weather conditions. The Sioo:x natural silver patina develops over time and requires exposure to weather.